To Fill in an Article
Before you can lay out a strip, you must fill in all the pierces and forms in the article. Use PDX Article > Fill Article to automatically create red extrude surfaces for each pierce, or to create extrude cuts and a blue extrude surface for each form. The resulting cut and surface features are referred to as manufacturing features.
You can also manually fill in articles using one of the following procedures:
Create manufacturing features.
1. Sketch extruded cuts (for forms) or sketch an extruded surface with capped ends (for pierces and forms) on the driving surface for the article.
2. Click PDX Article > Article > Manufacturing Operations and then select Assign Piercing Operation or Assign Forming Operation.
3. Select the appropriate extruded surfaces respective to the cuts, to define pierces or forms.
Create curves on the driving surface of the article.
1. Click PDX Article > Article > Manufacturing Operations and then click Assign Pierce Curve, Assign Form Curve, or Assign Form Curve without Cut.
2. Select curves on which to define one or more pierce or punch curves.
Create manufacturing features.
1. Click PDX Article > Article > Manufacturing Operations > Create Manufacturing Features.
2. Select one or many pierce or punch curves. For curves with multiple loops, the feature is created between the outer-most loops.
To suppress features in all instances, click PDX Article > Article > Manufacturing Operations > Suppress in all instances.
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