Starting the Waste System simulation
1. From Modeler, open the Waste System model that resides in the Examples database (see instructions).
2. On the Simulation tab, ensure that the following buttons are selected, that is, depressed:
Enable Animation button.
Enable Open Diagram Mode.
Log to the Output Pane button.
3. From Windows Explorer, double-click the Waste System application (WasteSystemUI.exe). If you have installed Modeler to the default location, the path of the WasteSystemUI.exe file is as follows:
C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\Example\Waste System\VB\WasteSystemUI.exe
4. In the Waste System application, ensure that the Auto-Launch check box is selected.
5. Click the Start/Stop button.
After starting the simulation:
The Waste System application connects with Modeler.
Modeler loads the Listener.dll.
Modeler opens the instance diagrams required to animate the simulation. On the cIPEvHdler instance diagram, the red outline indicates that the state machine has entered the Event Handling state.
The Output pane of Modeler records a log of the simulation session. You can see that the last activity to take place was the Enter Operation for the cIPEvHdler Class.
After the Power lamp is on, you can interact with the simulation.
You can use Modeler to inject Events and Operations, and set the values of Attributes. For more information, see Injecting an Operation into a Simulation.
For information about interacting with the simulation, see the Related Topics.
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