Overview of the Waste System Simulation
The Waste System model models part of a processing plant that handles containers containing toxic waste. Each container is placed on a conveyor belt, where it is scanned for its bar code and leakage. If the container is OK, it is sent to the Cager; however, if the scanner detects a leak, the container is sent to the Router to be re-packaged. For information about the system requirements being modeled by the Waste System, see The Waste System.
The behavior of the Waste System has been modeled through the State Diagrams in the Waste System model. This simulation allows you to test the behavior of the state machines that have been generated from those State Diagrams. The simulation allows you to simulate the system's user interface, and simulate the containers being scanned and sent to either the Cager or the Router. The simulation allows you to control whether good or leaking containers are supplied to the system.
To find out more about the state machine being simulated, view the State Diagrams in Modeler.
The provided Waste System application (WinApp.exe) is built using the 'Cpp Win32 Animation' ACS Code Generator DLL.
Before generating and building the C++ Code application, ensure that you have built the dependent libraries. See Overview of generating C++ code for system simulation.
The Operations in the Waste System Model contain C++ code. If you installed Modeler to the default locations, the generated files reside in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\Example\Waste System\Design
On some computer configurations the waste system simulation may stop Modeler from working after a number of barrels have been processed.
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