State diagram mappings - concurrent state and sequential state (C code)
For each Concurrent State and Sequential State on a State Diagram that is being generated, ACS generates the following code elements.
Current State type
An enumeration type that lists each substate of the owning Concurrent State and Sequential State.
The name of each current state type is as follows:
Rts<class name><state name>_States
For each substate of the owning Sequential State or Concurrent State, ACS generates an enumeration literal. The name of each enumeration literal is as follows:
Rts<class name><sequential or concurrent state name>_States_<state name>
In addition, ACS generates an enumeration literal to indicate that the owning Sequential State or Concurrent State is not active. The name of this enumeration literal is as follows:
Rts<class name><sequential or concurrent state name>_States_NotIn_<sequential or concurrent state name>
Current state attribute
A private attribute that stores the current state of each Sequential State and Concurrent State.
The name of each current state attribute is as follows:
RtsCurrent_<state name>
The current state attribute uses as its type, the current state type enumeration type that is generated for the for the owning Sequential State or Concurrent State.
Enter state operation
A private operation that initializes a state on entry.
The name of each enter state operation is as follows:
RtsEnter_<state name>
Exit state operation
A private operation that runs code on exit from a state.
The name of each exit state operation is as follows:
RtsExit_<state name>
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