Generated report - Metrics page (Reviewer)
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Metrics page
This page of a generated report shows the following information:
• The first section lists all Metrics reviews that were run sorted alphabetical. The Metrics reviews are available in the Metrics tab of the Config dialog.
For each Metrics review the number of items that were reviewed is shown in parenthesis.
Click a Metrics review to view the Metrics review description and more details in the second section of this page.
• The second section lists all Metrics reviews that were ran sorted alphabetically.
For each Metrics review the following information is shown:
◦ A description of the review.
◦ A summary table of the review.
To see a breakdown of the summary table showing which items were included in the metrics, click the

Show Breakdown button.
To see the data of the summary table as a chart, click the

Show Chart button.
Click a Metrics review to see detailed information about what the review does.