Deployment plan item (IDL code)
Create a Deployment Plan from the Model or a Package: right-click the Model or Package, point to New, point to DnC Profile, and the click Deployment Plan.
When you create a Deployment Plan, you must select the Domain to which the Deployment Plan is to be deployed, and select the assembly (Component) to deploy. The Deployment Plan is deployed within the context of the selected assembly and that assembly must be a top-level assembly, that is, the root item that has its part hierarchy deployed.
After creating a Deployment Plan, you can define it further using the Deployment Plan Editor. To open the Deployment Plan Editor: right-click the Deployment Plan and then click Edit Plan, or double-click the Deployment Plan. For information about the Deployment Plan Editor, see Deployment plan editor.
All Deployment Plans are shown in the DnC Elements pane - expand the Deployment Plan folder.
A Deployment Plan is based on a UML Class.
The following sections provide information about how a Deployment Plan is used in the model.
Owned By
Model (UML item)
Package (UML item)
Shown on these diagrams
IDL Profile properties
localityConstraint - derived property that lists the owned Locality Constraints.
portOverrides - to be documented.
processes - derived property that lists the owned Processes.
targetDomain - the selected Domain for the Deployment Plan.
topAssembly - the selected Component for the Deployment Plan.
valueList - information defined through the Deployment Plan Editor.