Connector instance item (IDL code)
Create a Connector Instance in the following ways:
• On an Internal Component Diagram: on the diagram's tab, click the
Connector Instance button, and then click within a Component or Component Part.
• From a Component: right-click the Component, point to New, and then click Connector Instance.
When you create a Connector Instance, you must select the Connector that is represented by the Connector Instance through either a selected or new Bound Module.
To change the type of a Connector Instance: right-click the Connector Instance, point to Set, and then click Type. From the dialog select the Connector you want to use as a type.
By default, the name of a Connector Instance is set to that of the Message it uses with the '_msg' text removed and a '_conn' suffix added. If the name of a Connector Instance or Message is changed and you want to change the name of the Connector Instance to match the name of the Message it uses with the '_msg' text removed and a '_conn' suffix added: right-click the Connector Instance, and then click Synchronize IDL Element Names. Note that the name of the Connector Instance is also updated when the Synchronize IDL Element Names command is used from the following items: the Message it uses, the Component that owns the Message it uses, and the scoping Package of the Connector Instance or Message.
When shown on an Internal Component Diagram, a Connector Instance's notation is as follows:
On an Internal Component Diagram you can add callout notes to a Connector Instance to show its Bound Module and Message: right-click the Extended Port (Consumer), point to Add Callout Note, and then click Bound Module or Message.
Note that on an Internal Component Diagram, a Connector Instance's view options are set through the Part entry.
You can quickly navigate from a Connector Instance on an Internal Component Diagram to its Bound Module or Message in the Packages pane or Dictionary pane: right-click the Connector Instance, point to Find, point to Bound Module or Message, and then click In Package Browser or In Dictionary Browser.
A Connector Instance is based on a UML Role.
The following sections provide information about how a Connector Instance is used in the model.
Owned By
Shown on these diagrams
IDL Profile properties
• boundModule - the Bound Module that provides the Connector Instance's Connector.
• message - the Message that is associated with the Bound Module that provides the Connector Instance's Connector.