Creating a generation settings scheme (TDK)
1. In Modeler, open the TDK model you want TDK to work with.
If you need to create a TDK model for generating a provided ACS Code Generator DLL, see Creating a TDK model for generating a provided ACS Code Generator DLL (TDK).
2. If the TDK Generator Framework profile is not present in the TDK model, add the TDK Generator Framework profile to the model. How?
3. If the ACS/TDK Control tab displays Not Connected (TDK not loaded), click the Load or Unload ACS button.
After TDK is loaded, the ACS/TDK Control tab displays Connected.
4. In the Packages pane, select the TheGenerator package as the root object for the Generation Settings Scheme. Note that when generating from a TDK model, the TheGenerator package is always the root item.
5. On the ACS/TDK Control tab, in the drop-down list select New Scheme.
6. On the ACS/TDK Control tab, click the Edit ACS Scheme button.
Modeler opens the Launch ACS/TDK dialog.
7. For provided TDK models, click the Meta Generator button associated with the Generator Dll box.
8. Click the button associated with the Target Directory box, and then select the folder to which you want to generate the SDL files.
Alternatively, you can type the path of the folder in the Target Directory box.
9. The Launch Options box allows you to specify configuration parameters that are used when starting TDK.
Configuration Parameters can control standard features of TDK, such as, whether the generation is enabled or not. Some Configuration Parameters provide features that are not available through the ACS/TDK Control tab, such as, prefixing log entries with the date and time.
Configuration Parameters can be applied through shared Configuration Parameter Files. For more information about Configuration Parameters, see Overview of configuration parameters (TDK).
10. Click the button associated with the Settings File box, specify a name and location in which to save the Generation Settings Scheme, and then click Open.
You do not need to change any of the default settings on the Advanced tab.
11. Click Save Only, and then click Cancel.
Clicking the Save and Launch button saves the Generation Settings Scheme and starts TDK using that Generation Settings Scheme.
The Generation Settings Scheme you created will be available in the ACS/TDK Control tab whenever the TheGenerator package is selected in Modeler.
After setting up TDK to work with a TDK model and starting TDK, you can generate the ACS Code Generator DLL. How?