Create replica, get latest and check out operations can result in the creation of stubs. When a Model, Package or item is created as a stub, it has the following characteristics:
• In the Modeler panes, its icon includes this symbol

(except for the Model).
• When selected, STUB is displayed in the Modeler Status Bar.
• Its properties are not fully populated, for example, the Description property will be blank.
• It is read-only, irrespective of what access permissions you have to it.
• Links to other items may not be included.
• Stub items (not the Model or Packages) are not displayed in the Packages pane.
If you perform a get latest or check out operation on a stub Model, Package or dictionary item (through its Package):
• Its properties are fully populated.
• It is no longer read-only. Note that a get latest operation will not result in the item being editable.
• Links to other items are included.
Modeler creates stubs to minimize the time taken to perform create replica, get latest and check out operations. Without stubs, you would spend a lot of time updating Packages with information you did not require. Stubs also ensure that the Package hierarchy is maintained.
The Model is created as a stub during the following operations:
• Create Replica - the Model is created as a stub. The items it directly scopes are not created in the model.
A Package can be created as a stub during the following operations:
• Create Replica - each Package is created as a stub. The items scoped by each Package are not created in the model.
• Get Latest - if the Get New Packages check box is cleared and there are sub-Packages in the CM tool Model that are not present in the Modeler Model, those sub-Packages are created as stubs.
• Check Out - if the Checkout New Packages check box is cleared and there are sub-Packages in the CM tool Model that are not present in the Modeler Model, those sub-Packages are created as stubs.
An Item can be created as a stub during the following operations:
• Get Latest - if the Get Latest operation gets a Model, Package or item that references an item that is not in the Modeler model, that referenced item is created as a stub.
• Check Out - if the Check Out operation checks out a Model, Package or item that references an item that is not in the Modeler model, that referenced item is created as a stub.
| When a stub item is created in a model, it may be scoped by the Model rather than the Package that should scope it. |