Troubleshooting (TDK)
If you do not find the answer to your problem in this topic, see the Known Issues section in the Release Notes.
I cannot run TDK
To run TDK you require an ACS Transformation Development Kit license, an ACS license and a Modeler license.
For more information about licensing TDK, see the Licensing Modeler section of the Installation Guide.
TDK does not do anything
Ensure that the
TDK model includes the
TDK Generator Framework profile. If you have updated
Modeler, ensure that you update the
TDK Generation Framework profile in your model. For information about adding the
TDK Generator Framework profile to a model, see
Adding the TDK generator framework profile to a model (TDK).
Ensure that you have loaded
TDK: On the
ACS/TDK Control tab the
Load or Unload ACS button is depressed when
TDK is loaded. If the
Load or Unload ACS button is not depressed, click it.
When you use
TDK with a model for the first time, you must set up a
Generation Settings Scheme to use to generate code.
Tell me more…If after selecting a
Generation Settings Scheme and starting
TDK through the
Start button,
TDK does not do anything, the problem may be caused by you not having write access to your
C:\Documents and Settings\<user> folder, in which
TDK saves model
cache files.
If you do not have write access to this folder, TDK will not work. To resolve this problem, obtain write access to the C:\Documents and Settings\<user> folder.
If you cannot obtain access to the C:\Documents and Settings\<user> folder, make the following changes:
• Change the values of the SHADOWTDK_COMDIR environment variables to folders for which you have write access.
• In the Generate.sdl file associated with any Code Generator DLL you want to use, change any paths to the ComDir to the path you specified in the appropriate environment variable. The path to the ComDir in the Generate.sdl file is as follows:
%setlocalvar "sFileName" = (%getlocalvar "sUserAppData") & ("\ItsShadow\ComDir\\ShadowMsg.tmp")
TDK is not generating changes made to the Model
Check that the TDK Generation Framework profile is present in the model.
While TDK is running, only changes shown in your Modeler's view of the model are generated.
Check that generation is enabled - on the
ACS/TDK Control tab the
Enable or Disable Code Generation button should be depressed.
Check that
TDK is working with the correct
code directory. On the
ACS/TDK Control tab, click the
Show Generation Information button - the
ACS/TDK Pane records which code directory
TDK is working with. If you are working with the correct files, force a generation.
Check that your SDL files are writeable - if they are read-only, TDK cannot generate to them.
If TDK has unreversed SDL files, TDK will not generate changes to the associated operations in the TDK model. This ensures that unreversed changes are not lost.
If none of the preceding solutions solve the problem, force a generation: on the
ACS/TDK Control tab, click the
Force Generation button.
If forcing a generation does not solve the problem, force a refresh: on the
ACS/TDK Control tab, click the
Force Refresh button.
If forcing a refresh does not solve the problem, reset TDK.
| If you reset TDK, any reversible property changes that have not been reverse engineered because of the associated item in the model being read-only will be lost. To determine whether there are any reversible properties that have not been reverse engineered, on the ACS/TDK Control tab, click the Show Protected Properties button. |
To reset
TDK: on the
ACS/TDK Control tab, click the
Edit ACS Settings button. From the dialog, click the
Reset ACS/TDK button.
If changes in the model are still not being generated, unload ACS and close Modeler. Through Windows Task Manager, stop the following processes if they are running: ShdBridge.exe, ShadowACS.exe and RtsME.exe. Restart Modeler and TDK.
I do not know which SDL files TDK is working with
On the ACS/TDK Control tab, click
Show Generation Information. The log records which
SDL files that are currently being managed by
TDK failed to link the compiled files
Ensure that you have set up the configuration for generation correctly - on the ACS/TDK Control tab, ensure that the correct configuration is selected in the second drop-down list.
If you have more than one development system on your computer, TDK may be calling the wrong link program.
To resolve this problem:
• If you are using Visual C++ to build the Code Generator DLL, ensure that in the PATH environment variable, the Microsoft Visual Studio bin directories appear before the paths of other development environments.
• If you are using GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) to build the Code Generator DLL, ensure that in the PATH environment variable, the GCC directories appear before the paths of other development environments.
I want more diagnostic information
If you are working with a release build of an ACS Code Generator DLL, you can get more diagnostic information by working with a debug build of that ACS Code Generator DLL.
The TDK Configuration options determine whether a release or debug version is built.