Overview of the VB profile package (Visual Basic code)
The VB Profile package contains Stereotypes and Tag Definitions required for modeling Visual Basic code in the model. Through the Tag Definitions in the VB Profile, you can model Visual Basic specific information. In addition, the VB Profile package contains some Visual Basic Basic Types, such as Boolean, Byte and Char.
ACS does not generate code for the VB Profile package.
Do not make changes to the VB profile. Any changes you make will be lost when the profile is updated.
You can create Tag Definitions outside of the VB profile, and link those Tag Definitions to Stereotypes in the VB profile. When the VB profile is updated, the links will not be broken.
Do not create copies of the VB profile within a model, or create copies of the VB profile through XMI Import/Export. The copies of the VB profile will not work correctly and you will not be able to update the copies through the Update All Profiles command.
The VB Profile package includes the following Stereotypes and Tag Definitions:
«VB Attribute» applies the following Tag Definitions to all Attributes. For more information, see the related links below:
VB Access
VB Attributes
VB CreateInstance
VB Get
VB Modifiers
VB Set
«VB Class» applies the following Tag Definitions to a Class, Data Type or Interface. For more information, see:
VB Attributes
VB Declare
VB Implements
VB Inherits
VB Partial
VB UnitType
«VB Delegate» applies the following Tag Definitions to a Type Definition. For more information, see Type Definition mapping for Visual Basic (Visual Basic code):
VB DelegateText
«VB DontGenerate» specifies that ACS ignores the Attribute, Association, Class, Data Type, Interface, Operation or Role to which the Stereotype is applied.
«VB EvHdlr» applies the following Tag Definitions to an Operation. For more information, see the related links below:
VB EvHandles
VB EvHdlrArgs
VB EvPrefix
«VB Operation» applies the following Tag Definitions to an Operation. For more information, see the related links below:
VB Access
VB Attributes
VB Event
VB Implements
VB Modifiers
VB Operator
«VB Property» applies the following Tag Definitions to an Attribute or Role. For more information, see the related links below:
VB Access
VB Attributes
VB GetAccessorAttributes
VB GetAccessorBody
VB GetAccessorModifiers
VB Modifiers
VB PropertyAccess
VB PropertyParameters
VB SetAccessorAttributes
VB SetAccessorBody
VB SetAccessorModifiers
«VB Role» applies the following Tag Definitions to a Role. For more information, see the related links below:
VB Access
VB Attributes
VB CreateInstance
VB DoBidirect
VB Get
VB Modifiers
VB QualifierConstruct
VB Remove
VB RoleDataType
VB Set
«VB Specialization» applies the following Tag Definitions to a Generalization. For more information, see Generalization mapping for Visual Basic (Visual Basic code):
VB SpecializationAddenda
«VB Unit» applies the following Tag Definitions to a Package, Class, Data Type or Interface. For more information, see Package mapping for Visual Basic (Visual Basic code) and the related links below:
VB Imports
VB UnitLocation