Overview of the ThingWorx profile package (Integration for PTC ThingWorx)
The ThingWorx Profile package contains Stereotypes and Tag Definitions required for modeling ThingWorx features in the model.
The ThingWorx Profile package is added to a model when you add the C++ Profile or Java Profile to a model.
Do not make changes to the ThingWorx profile. Any changes you make will be lost when the profile is updated.
Note that you can create Tag Definitions outside of the ThingWorx profile, and link those Tag Definitions to Stereotypes in the ThingWorx profile. When the ThingWorx profile is updated, the links will not be broken.
Do not create copies of the ThingWorx profile within a model, or create copies of the ThingWorx profile through XMI Import/Export. The copies of the ThingWorx profile will not work correctly and you will not be able to update the copies through the Update All Profiles command.
The ThingWorx Profile package includes the following Stereotypes and Tag Definitions:
«ThingWorx ConnectedClient» When applied to an untyped Port that is owned by the system, specifies that the Port is used to connect the system to a ThingWorx server or MicroBridge. In addition, systems can connect using connected client ports. This Stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions to a Port:
IncludesCommsBroker - when set to TRUE, ACS generates a Thing whose identifier is COMMS_BROKER. The system will register the provided interfaces of internal Ports that are connected to this connected client with COMMS_BROKER. Ports that are internal to the system and connected to this connected client will request the identities of any other Ports, external to the system, that provide their required interfaces
When two or more systems are connected through the ThingWorx AlwaysOn protocol, the COMMS_BROKER Thing must be generated for one system only.
«ThingWorx RemoteThing» When applied to a Class or Interface, ACS generates code for a Remote Thing. In addition, ACS generates XML files that can be imported to a ThingWorx server to create Data Shapes, Thing Shapes and Thing Templates on that ThingWorx server.
This Stereotype applies the following Tag Definition to a Class or Interface.
Implementation - specifies whether ACS generates the Class or Interface as a Thing Shape or a Thing Template.
«ThingWorx Property» When applied to an Attribute or Operation of a Remote Thing, ACS generates code for a ThingWorx Property. The status of the Attribute's Read Only flag will determine whether or not the ThingWorx property is writeable. For Operations the property value is derived from the implementation code. ThingWorx properties derived from Operations are always read only.
«ThingWorx Event» When applied to an Operation of a Remote Thing, ACS generates code for a ThingWorx Event.
«ThingWorx Service» When applied to an Operation of a Remote Thing, or applied to an Event that is used in a generated State Machine, ACS generates code for a ThingWorx Service