Reference Topics > View options > Shown stereotypes view options - all diagrams
Shown stereotypes view options - all diagrams
The Shown Stereotypes view options specify which Stereotypes can be shown on the diagram:
If a Stereotype appears in the list, that Stereotype can be shown on the diagram.
If a Stereotype is set up to be shown on all diagrams, that Stereotype can be shown on the diagram whether it appears in the list or not.
If a Stereotype does not appear in the list and is not set up to be shown on all diagrams, that Stereotype cannot be shown on the diagram.
After specifying that a Stereotype can be shown on a diagram, that does not mean that the Stereotype will automatically be shown on the appropriate symbols; the view options of each diagram symbol can either show or hide its Stereotypes.
To add Stereotypes to the list, click the Link button, and then select the Stereotypes you want to add to the list.
To remove Stereotypes from the list, select the Stereotypes you want to remove, and then click the Unlink button.