Customization > Automation Interface > Functions > Functions for Model Selection Dialog > ArtisanModelFileDialog COM object (automation interface)
ArtisanModelFileDialog COM object (automation interface)
The ArtisanModelFileDialog COM object allows you to open the Modeler Open Model dialog. It has two functions named Create and CreateEx:
The Create function opens the dialog and returns the reference of the selected model.
The CreateEx function opens the dialog and returns the reference, id and name of the selected model.
Create function
Create (True)
The Create function opens the Open Model dialog for you to select a model to open in Modeler, and returns the reference of the selected model.
For example.
Dim Obj = CreateObject("COMGUIUtil.ArtisanModelFileDialog")
Dim strReferences = Obj.Create(True)
CreateEx function
CreateEx (True, "<model reference>", "<model id>", "<model name>")
<model reference> specifies the reference of the model that is selected in the Open Model dialog.
<model id> specifies the id of the model that is selected in the Open Model dialog.
<model name> specifies the name of the model that is selected in the Open Model dialog.
The CreateEx function opens the Opens Model dialog for you to select a model to open in Modeler, and returns the reference, id and name of the selected model.
For example:
Dim Obj = CreateObject("COMGUIUtil.ArtisanModelFileDialog")
Dim strRef, strID, strModelName as String
Obj.CreateEx(True, strRef, strID, strModelName )
If ( strRef or strID or strModelName is empty )
// error encountered ( Appropriate Msgs will be displayed for such error )
// Do something
End If