Usage scenarios (Integration for IBM Rational DOORS)
When using Integration for IBM Rational DOORS with a project the first time, all requirements are typically in the DOORS environment or the Modeler environment. Most users will want to synchronize the requirements so that they are in both environments:
For requirements in a DOORS surrogate module, Integration for IBM Rational DOORS can import those requirements to a Modeler Package, creating a SysML Requirement for each DOORS object.
For SysML requirements (and their extensions) in a Modeler Package, Integration for IBM Rational DOORS can export those Requirements to a DOORS surrogate module, creating a DOORS object for each SysML Requirement.
After Integration for IBM Rational DOORS has synchronized the requirements between a Modeler model and DOORS surrogate module, it can keep those requirements and any new requirements synchronized between the two environments.
Having exported the requirements, traceability relationships, items and diagrams to DOORS, those items and relationships can be seen in the DOORS environment through surrogate objects and links.
Within the Modeler environment, it is easy perform the following tasks:
Create and change SysML requirements.
Create Actors, Comments, Constraints, Problems, Rationales, Requirements Diagrams, Use Cases and Use Case Diagrams in support of those requirements.
Create SysML Profile traceability relationships (Allocate, Derive, Refine, Satisfy, Trace and Verify relationships) between the SysML Requirements and the items and diagrams in Modeler.
After creating the preceding requirements, items and relationships in the Modeler Model, you can use Integration for IBM Rational DOORS to export them to the associated DOORS surrogate modules. Typically, you will synchronize Modeler regularly over night, or whenever the DOORS surrogate modules need to be up-to-date, for example, at project milestones.
Note that you can create formal objects in the DOORS environment to represent Comments, Constraints, Problems, Rationales and Use Cases, and then create associated items in the Modeler model through Integration for IBM Rational DOORS, but we recommend that you create these items in a Modeler model through the Modeler user interface. Likewise, you can create links in the DOORS environment to represent SysML Profile traceability relationships, and then create associated relationships in the Modeler model through Integration for IBM Rational DOORS, but again we recommend that you create these relationships in a Modeler model through the Modeler user interface.