Overview of modeling an ARINC 653 configuration and VxWorks 653 application startup code (ARINC for VxWorks code)
Before modeling an ARINC 653 configuration and VxWorks 653 application startup code in a model, you must add the following profiles to that model:
ARINC 653 for VxWorks 653 - models an ARINC 653 configuration and application startup code for VxWorks 653.
ACS - required to generate the ARINC 653 configuration and application startup code.
The ARINC 653 for VxWorks 653 Profile creates a pane that shows ARINC 653 for VxWorks 653 diagrams and items organized by their types: the ARINC 653 Profile pane. Note that this pane shows profile diagrams and items that are used as templates for creating diagrams and items in the model; the names of these items begin with _ or T_.
After adding the preceding profiles to a model, the profiles can create the initial diagrams and items required to model an ARINC 953 configuration: right-click a Package, point to ARINC 653, point to New, and then click Integration Project. The profile prompts you for the name to use for the Integration Project and Module items, and then it creates the following diagrams and items in the model:
An Integration Project and Module.
An empty Module Schedule in which you can define the partition scheduling.
A Configuration Diagram for the Module in which you can define the partitions and application startup code. This diagram includes a System HM Table, Module HM Table and Partition HM Table.
The Partition HM Table has an associated Configuration Diagram that defines a default System State Entry and Error ID Actions.
The System HM Table has an associated Configuration Diagram that defines default System State Entries and Error ID Levels.
The Module HM Table has an associated Configuration Diagram that defines a default System State Entry and Error ID Actions.
The Config Record, Core OS and Shared Library items.
You can develop the preceding diagrams to model the configuration and application startup code.
ACS generates application startup code files for each Application Part in a Partition Part. The application startup code creates the Partition's Blackboards, Buffers, Events and Semaphores; creates the Queuing Ports and Sampling Ports that are used by the Application Part; and creates and starts the Application Part's Processes.
For more information about the items and diagrams that are created by the New > Integration Project command, see Diagrams and items created through the new > integration project command (ARINC for VxWorks code).
For procedural information about modeling an ARINC 653 configuration and application startup code, see the topics in the 'Modeling an ARINC 653 configuration and application startup code' section of this Help. See the first topic Creating an integration project and module.
For reference information about each ARINC 653 item type, including information about their specific ARINC 653 properties, see the reference topics in the 'ARINC 653 profile items' section of this Help.