Modeling Visual Basic code in a model (Visual Basic code)
In addition to the standard modeling techniques in Modeler, you can use the supplied VB Profile package to record information that is specific to Visual Basic.
The VB Profile package contains Stereotypes and Tag Definitions required for modeling Visual Basic code in the model.
If you want to add new Tag Definitions to a VB Profile stereotype, ensure that you create the Tag Definitions outside of the VB Profile. On updating the VB Profile, Modeler will retain Stereotype links to Tag Definitions that are not in the VB Profile. If you create new Stereotypes and Tag Definitions in the VB Profile, the update process will delete those Stereotypes and Tag Definitions.
For information about how Modeler items map to Visual Basic code, see the Mapping Information section of the Visual Basic Help.
For information about creating Visual Basic code elements in a model, see the Modeling Visual Basic Code in a Model section of the Visual Basic Help.
If you are modeling Visual Basic in a model for the first time, you may find it useful to look at the 'VBAnother Block (Tetris) Example' model in the Example repository, which demonstrates how a Visual Basic application is modeled in a model.