SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > SysML profile > Blocks > Block properties > Setting up a block property as read only (SysML)
Setting up a block property as read only (SysML)
This procedure applies only to Block Properties of type Value. By default, a new Block Property is not set up as a read only.
To determine whether a block property is set up as read only:
1. Open the Block Property's Property Pages.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. If the Read Only check box is cleared, the Block Property is not set up as read only.
If the Read Only check box is selected, the Block Property is set up as read only.
To set up a block property as read only:
1. Right-click the Block Property, point to Set, and then click Read Only.
2. In the dialog, select TRUE to specify that the Block Property is read only.
3. Click OK.
To set up a block property as not read only:
1. Right-click the Block Property, point to Set, and then click Read Only.
2. In the dialog, select FALSE to specify that the Block Property is not read only.
3. Click OK.