Reference Topics > View options > Data type view options - class diagram
Data type view options - class diagram
The following view options are available:
Hide Full Name—specifies that only the Name of the Data Type is displayed, that is, the Data Type Name is not prefixed by any scoping items.
Signatures—specifies that the signatures of Attributes and Operations are shown:
For Attributes, the signature shows the type of the Attribute. For example:
Attribute1 : int.
For Operations, the signature shows the type of the Operation, and the name and type of each Parameter. For example:
Operation1 : (in Parameter1 : int) : int
You can use an Attribute's signature to create its Type, and you can use an Operation's signature to create its Parameters and Return Type.
Access Characters—specifies that the shown Attributes and Operations are prefixed by their access characters as determined by their Visibility, that is, + for public, - for private, # for protected and ~ for Package.
Constraints—specifies that when Constraints are applied to shown Attributes or Operations, the Full Text of those Constraints is shown. For example:
Attribute1 {full text of applied constraint}
Public check box—when selected, selects the two associated check boxes so that Attributes and Operations that have public access are shown. When cleared, clears the two associated check boxes so that Attributes and Operations that have public access are hidden.
Private check box—when selected, selects the two associated check boxes so that Attributes and Operations that have private access are shown. When cleared, clears the two associated check boxes so that Attributes and Operations that have private access are hidden.
Protected check box—when selected, selects the two associated check boxes so that Attributes and Operations that have protected access are shown. When cleared, clears the two associated check boxes so that Attributes and Operations that have protected access are hidden.
Package check box—when selected, selects the two associated check boxes so that Attributes and Operations that have package access are shown. When cleared, clears the two associated check boxes so that Attributes and Operations that have package access are hidden.
Attributes check box—when selected, selects the four associated check boxes so that all Attributes are shown. When cleared, clears the four associated check boxes so that all Attributes are hidden.
Operations check box—when selected, selects the four associated check boxes so that all Operations are shown. When cleared, clears the four associated check boxes so that all Operations are hidden.
The eight unnamed check boxes—specifies which Attributes and Operations are shown and hidden.
If you selected View Options by right-clicking the diagram background, the property values that you modify set the default view options for any Data Types that are added to the diagram there after.
If you selected View Options by right-clicking one or more selected Data Types, the check boxes you select change the view options of those Data Types.