Class view browser
The Class View Browser allows you to view which other Classes, Data Types, Interfaces and Signals are related to a selected Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal through Generalizations, bind Dependencies (instantiated templates) and interface realization Dependencies (provided Interfaces): when you expand a Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal in the left pane, the related Classes, Data Types, Interfaces and Signals are shown.
When you select a Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal in the left pane, the right pane can show the Attributes, Operations and Roles of that Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal, including inherited Attributes, Operations and Roles:
If the Class Rolldown button is not depressed, only Attributes, Operations and Roles of the selected Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal are shown.
If the Class Rolldown button is depressed, Attributes, Operations and Roles of the selected Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal are shown, and inherited Attributes, Operations and Roles are also shown.
Note that Attributes, Operations and Roles inherited through Generalizations are shown; but only Operations (not Attributes or Roles) inherited through Bind Dependencies and Interface Realization Dependencies are shown.
When you select an Operation, the Class View Browser shows that Operation's Parameters.
The Class View Browser allows you to create new Attributes and Operations. In addition, the Class View Browser allows you to refine operations so that Operations that were previously inherited from super classes are actually copied into the sub class.
You can choose which Attributes and Roles are shown, based on their Storage; and which Operations are shown, based on their binding.
To display the class view browser:
Right-click the required Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal, and then click Browse Class
The Class View Browser is displayed, showing the structure of Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal in the model.
To change the display of attributes and operations:
In the Class View Browser, use the Attributes and Operations drop-down lists to select the type of items that you want to display.
For Attributes and Roles, you can display:
All displays all Attributes and Roles.
Instance data - displays Attributes and Roles that have On Instance storage.
Class data - displays Attributes and Roles that have On Class storage.
None - displays no Attributes or Roles.
For operations, you can display:
All - displays all Operations
Runtime binding - displays Operations that have At Runtime binding.
Compile time binding - displays Operations that have At Compile binding.
None - displays no Operations
To display inherited attributes, operations and roles:
In the Class View Browser, click to switch between showing and hiding inherited Attributes, Operations and Roles.
Note that for provided interfaces and instantiated templates, only inherited Operations are shown.
To add attributes and operation to a class, data type, interface or signal:
In the Class View Browser , click or to add a new Attribute or Operation to the selected Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal.
Note that you cannot add Operations to a Signal.