Customization > Automation Interface > Functions > For User Interface > Function for Panes > Functions for all panes > RenameBrowserItem function (automation interface)
RenameBrowserItem function (automation interface)
<id> is a string that specifies the id of the item to select.
<pane> is a string that specifies the name of the pane, or 'Active' for the active pane.
RenameBrowserItem uses the Dictionary Item Object's Id property to select an item in a specified pane - the item is selected in edit mode so that a user can type in a new name.
Note that if the specified pane is closed, the function shows the pane and finds the item.
In this example, the script opens Class1 in the Packages pane through its Id - Class1 is selected in edit mode:
Set objItem = Dictionary.Item("Class", "Class1")
strItem = objItem.Property("Id")
Call Studio.RenameBrowserItem(strItem, "Packages")