Customization > Automation Interface > Functions > For User Interface > Function for Panes > Functions for a Text Output Pane > DisplayOutputPaneMessage function (automation interface)
DisplayOutputPaneMessage function (automation interface)
DisplayOutputPaneMessage("<pane name>", "<text>")
<pane name> specifies the name of the textual pane to which you want to send text.
<text> specifies the text you want to send to the pane.
This function sends text to a textual pane that has been created through the AddOutputPane function. The text appends any text that is currently displayed in the pane.
For example, this script sends the text My 'Message' to the pane named 'My New Pane'.
Call Studio.DisplayOutputPaneMessage("My New Pane", "My Message")
To display text in the Output pane, use the DisplayOutputWindowMessage function.
To clear the content of an Output pane, use the ClearOutputPane function.