Channel (ARINC for PikeOS code)
Channels provide intra-partition communication between processes. Channels connect partition parts via ports - the channels show as lines between ports, within modules. Channels can be of two types, Sampling and Queuing, but this is implicit based on the ports at either end. For more information see the ARINC SPECIFICATION 653P1-2, December 1, 2005.
A Channel models a <Channel> element, which is a child element of a configuration's <ConnectionTable> element:
The Name of the Channel is generated as the ChannelName attribute of the <Channel> element.
The PortType attribute of the <Channel> element is derived from the linked ports.
The attributes of the child <SourcePortReference> and <DestinationPortReference> elements are derived from the linked Ports and their Partitions.
The structure of the <Channel> element is as follows for PikeOS:
<Channel ChannelName="" PortType="">
<SourcePortReference PortName="" ProviderName="" ProviderType="">
<DestinationPortReference PortName="" ProviderName="" ProviderType="">
Create a Channel on a Configuration Diagram: click the . Channel button, click the starting Sampling Port or Queuing Port, and then click the ending Sampling Port or Queuing Port. A Channel can link only two Sampling Ports or two Queuing Ports.
When shown on a Configuration Diagram, a Channel's notation is as follows:
You can view all the Channels in the model through the Channel folder in the ARINC 653 Profile pane.
A Channel is based on a UML Association.
The following sections provide information about how a Channel is used in the model.
Shown on these diagrams
ARINC properties
Duration - this property is not used at present.