UML Modeling Techniques > System architecture modeling > Migrating system architecture diagrams to structure diagrams > System architecture profile package > Overview of the system architecture profile package (System Architecture Migration utility)
Overview of the system architecture profile package (System Architecture Migration utility)
The System Architecture Profile package contains Stereotypes and Tag Definitions for recording System Architecture Diagram item property values when they are migrated to Composite Structure Diagram items through the System Architecture Migration Utility.
The Stereotypes in the System Architecture Profile make the appearance of the migrated Composite Structure Diagram symbols similar to the symbols from which they are migrated.
Do not make changes to the System Architecture profile. Any changes you make will be lost when the profile is updated.
You can create Tag Definitions outside of the System Architecture profile, and link those Tag Definitions to Stereotypes in the System Architecture profile. When the System Architecture profile is updated, the links will not be broken.
Do not create copies of the System Architecture profile within a model, or create copies of the System Architecture profile through XMI Import/Export. The copies of the System Architecture profile will not work correctly and you will not be able to update the copies through the Update All Profiles command.
The System Architecture profile package includes the following Stereotypes and Tag Definitions:
The «board» stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions to a Class (migrated Board Type), or Role or Attribute (migrated Board):
associatedPackage - records migrated linked Package.
baseAddress - records migrated Base Address property.
task - records migrated linked Task.
The «board IO device» stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions to a Class (migrated Board IO Device Type), or Role or Attribute (migrated Board IO Device):
interruptLevel - records migrated Interrupt Level property.
IRQ - records migrated IRQ property.
memoryEnd - records migrated Memory End property.
memorySize - records migrated Memory Size property.
memoryStart - records migrated Memory Start property
portAddress - records migrated Port Address property.
The «disk» stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions to a Class (migrated Disk Type), or Role or Attribute (migrated Disk):
size - records migrated Size property.
speed - records migrated Speed property.
The «drop» stereotype specifies that the Association is a migrated Drop.
The «event flow» stereotype is applied to an IO Flow (migrated from Event flow).
actualParameters - records migrated Actual Parameters property.
iterative - records migrated Iterative property.
returnName - records migrated Result property.
sequenceNumber - records migrated Sequence Number property.
The «externalConnector» stereotype specifies that an Association is a migrated External Connector.
The «interface device» stereotype specifies that the Class is a migrated Interface Device Type, or the Role or Attribute is a migrated Interface Device.
The «memory» stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions to a Class (migrated Memory Type), or Role or Attribute (migrated Memory):
isDualPorted - records migrated Dual Ported property.
isWriteable - records migrated Writeable property.
memoryEnd - records migrated Memory End property.
memorySize - records migrated Memory Size property.
memoryStart - records migrated Memory Start property.
nonVolatile - records migrated Persistent property.
speed - records migrated Speed property.
The «multidropBus» stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions to a Class (migrated Multidrop Bus Type), or Role or Attribute (migrated Mutlidrop Bus):
protocol - records migrated Protocol property.
size - records migrated Width property.
speed - records migrated Speed property.
The «p2pConnection» stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions to a Class (migrated Point to Point Connection Type), or Role (migrated Point to Point Connection):
p2p type - references the migrated p2p connection type.
protocol - records migrated Protocol property.
size - records migrated Width property.
speed - records migrated Speed property.
The «processor» stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions to a Class (migrated Processor Type), or Role or Attribute (migrated Processor):
clockSpeed - records migrated Clock Speed property.
memoryEnd - records migrated Memory End property.
memorySize - records migrated Memory Size property.
memoryStart - records migrated Memory Start property.
The «subsystem» stereotype specifies that the Class, Role or Attribute is a migrated Subsystem.