Model, Component, and Package Management > Model management > Model Explorer > Working with databases > Adding a server to Model Explorer (Model Explorer)
Adding a server to Model Explorer (Model Explorer)
1. Start Model Explorer.
For more information, refer to Starting Models Explorer.
2. Right-click the SQL icon, and then click Add Server.
3. Type the name of the server, then press the Enter key.
Server names must be typed in the following format:
<ComputerName>” — The name of the computer on which the Integrity Modeler SQL Server instance resides.
<SQLInstance>” — The name of the SQL Server instance that is used by Integrity Modeler.
For example:
Typing “computer1@MODELER” connects to a SQL Server instance named MODELER on a local computer named computer1.
The computer name must also be typed for Standalone Integrity Modeler installations.
After adding a server to Model Explorer, you can show its databases and bookmark the databases you want to work with. For more information, refer to Bookmarking a database (Model Explorer), and Showing a server's databases (Model Explorer).
Note that if you add a server to Model Explorer and do not bookmark any databases in that server, next time you start Model Explorer the server will not be shown.