SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > UPDM profiles > Products and elements - NAF aliases > Products > Operational view > NOV-1b Operational concept description (UPDM - NAF aliases)
NOV-1b Operational concept description (UPDM - NAF aliases)
To create an NOV-1b Operational Concept Description:
Right-click the Architectural Description or Service Description that is to own the NOV-1b Operational Concept Description, point to New, point to Diagram, point to NAF, and then click NOV-1b Operational Concept Description.
On an NOV-1b Operational Concept Description:
Provide a supplementary textual description of the architectural concept.
Diagram Elements
The NOV-1b Operational Concept Description is a text diagram so does not show any diagram elements as such.
If you want to refer to any products or elements in the NOV-1b Operational Concept Description, you can reference those products or elements through Model Object References. To create a Model Object Reference: from an appropriate pane or diagram, drag the product or element to the NOV-1b Operational Concept Description. You can right-click a Model Object Reference and, for example, find the referenced Product or Element in the Packages pane.
The following sections provide information about how an NOV-1b Operational Concept Description is used in the model.
Create an NOV-1b Operational Concept Description from
Architectural Description
Service Description
Creates or shows these UPDM elements