SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > UPDM profiles > Products and elements - MODAF aliases > Products > Technical viewpoint > TV-2 Protocol layer definition (UPDM - MODAF aliases)
TV-2 Protocol layer definition (UPDM - MODAF aliases)
To create a TV-2 Protocol Layer Definition:
Right-click the Protocol that is to own the TV-2 Protocol Layer Definition, point to New, point to MODAF, and then click TV-2 Protocol Layer Definition.
If you want the owning element to appear on the diagram: right-click the background of the diagram, point to Populate, and then click Owner.
On a TV-2 Protocol Layer Definition:
Create Protocol Layer elements.
Diagram Elements
For information about showing compartments on diagram symbols, setting up default view options and adding existing elements to the diagram, see the following topics:
Setting up default view options and compartments for a product diagram (UPDM)
Setting up default view options and compartments for new product diagrams (UPDM)
Working with compartments on symbols and linked callout notes (UPDM)
For information about the creation and appearance of elements that can be shown on all Product diagrams (Alias, Definition, Information, Metadata, Overlap and Same As elements), click here .
When you create a TV-2 Protocol Layer Definition, Modeler does not add the owning Protocol to the diagram.
To show the owning Protocol on the diagram: right-click the background of the diagram, point to Populate, and then click Owner.
Protocol Layer
To create a Protocol Layer:
Click the Protocol Layer toolbar button, and then click the owning Protocol or Protocol Layer. From the Select Type dialog, create or select the Protocol that is the type of the Protocol Layer, or create an untyped Protocol Layer.
From an appropriate Modeler pane, locate the Protocol that you want to use as the type of the Protocol Layer, and then drag that Protocol to free space on the diagram (or to the Protocol if shown) or to the owning Protocol Layer.
If the Protocol that owns the TV-2 Protocol Layer Definition is not shown on the diagram, create a Protocol Layer on that Protocol by clicking in free space.
The following sections provide information about how a TV-2 Protocol Layer Definition is used in the model.
Create a TV-2 Protocol Layer Definition from
Creates or shows these UPDM elements
In addition to the common UPDM elements that can be shown on all Product diagrams ( Alias, Definition, Information, Metadata, Overlap and Same As elements):
Protocol Layer