• From a
Node or
Security Domain: right-click the Node or Security Domain, point to New, point to MODAF, and then click Node Operation. On the Select Realizes dialog, select the realized Operational Activity or Standard Operational Activity.
• From an
OV-2 Operational Node Definition: click the Node Operation toolbar button, and then click in free space on the diagram. On the Select Realizes dialog, select the realized Operational Activity or Standard Operational Activity.
◦ Click the Node Operation Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline. The destination lifeline must be a Node Role or Problem Domain.
◦ Click the Node Operation Reply Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline. The source lifeline must be a Node Role or Problem Domain.
When you create a Node Operation message, you are prompted to create or select the Node Operation that represents the Operational Activity or Standard Operational Activity you want to show on the OV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description.