SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > SysML profile > SysML diagrams, tables and matrices > Allocation table (SysML diagram)
Allocation table (SysML diagram)
An Allocation Table shows how items and diagrams in specified Packages are allocated to or from other items and diagrams.
Create an Allocation Table from the Model or a Package: right-click the Model or Package, point to New, point to Diagram, point to SysML, and then click Allocation Table. After creating an Allocation Table, you can open it: right-click the Allocation Table, and then click Open.
When you open an Allocation Table, Modeler creates a table that can be generated as HTML for viewing in your Internet browser, or generated as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for viewing in Microsoft Excel. To specify how matrices and tables are opened for a model: in the Packages pane, right-click the Model, point to Tools > Options, click Matrix/Table Generation Format, and then select HyperTextMarkupLanguage_HTML or Excel_XLS. Each time you open an Allocation Matrix, Modeler populates that matrix with the latest data from the model.
If no allocated items or diagrams are found in the Analyzed Packages, the Allocation Table will be empty.
You can customize the content and presentation of an Allocation Table:
You can specify the Packages that are searched for items.
By default, a new Allocation Table searches for allocated items in the Package that owns the Allocation Table. To specify which Packages are searched for allocated items: right-click the Allocation Table, point to Links, and then click Analyzed Packages. Select the Packages you want to search, or Unlink All Packages to search all Packages in the model for allocated items.
You can choose whether to show the scope of table items.
On the AllocationTable tab of the Allocation Table's Property Pages, set the tagged value of the showItemScoping tag definition to TRUE to shows item scoping, or FALSE to show only the item names.
You can add columns to show properties and linked items for the items shown in the table.
To add additional columns: right-click the Allocation Table, point to Set, and then click Column Definitions.
The Allocation Table is based on the Custom Table. For additional information about how Custom Tables can be customized, including changing which items are included in the table through the rowItemsRole and rowItemsStartPoint tag definitions, see the following topics:
Custom table tag definitions
Defining the content of a custom table
Overview of custom tables
The Allocation Table is a UML Text Diagram that is stereotyped by the «Allocation Table» stereotype from the SysML profile.
The following sections provide information about how an Allocation Table is used in the model. For more information about a SysML item - click it.
Owned by
Model (UML item)
Package (UML item)
Creates or shows these items
Any model item or diagram that is allocated can be shown on an Allocation Matrix.
SysML Properties
The Allocation Table is based on the Custom Table. For information about how the following SysML Properties can be used to customize the Allocation Table, see the following links
Custom table tag definitions
Defining the content of a custom table
Overview of custom tables
analyzedPackages - shows the Packages that are searched for items. To specify the Packages that are searched: right-click an Allocation Table, point to Links, and then click Analyzed Packages. To search all Packages in the model, click the Unlink All button.
rowItemsRole - specifies the role to use for finding items from the rowItemsStartPoint.
rowItemsStartPoint - specifies the start point for finding items for the table.
showItemScoping - specifies whether the scoping of table items is shown after the item name. Set to TRUE to show item scoping, or FALSE to show only item names.