Customization > Extensibility Through Profiles, Stereotypes, Tag Definitions and Scripts > PTC profiles > Utilities profile > Custom tables > Custom table tag definitions (Utilities profile)
Custom table tag definitions (Utilities profile)
The Custom Table uses the following Tag Definitions on the CustomSimpleTable tab of its Property Pages to define the content of the Custom Table:
analyzedPackages - specifies Packages in which to search for row items. If blank, all Packages in the model are searched.
The tagged value of the analyzedPackages tag definition is used only if the tagged value of the rowItemsStartPoint tag definition is set to Analyzed Packages.
To specify analyzed Packages: right-click the Custom Table, point to Links, and then click Analyzed Packages.
rowItemsRole - specifies the Modeler Automation Interface role, Profile Helper association or reference Tag Definition to use to find items from the rowItemsStartPoint.
For example, if you wanted to find Actors that are scoped to the Analyzed Packages, you would use the Actor role.
For information about what roles are available through the Modeler Automation Interface for a Package, see . Note that the roles are called associations in the Modeler Automation Interface Help.
The Profile Helper associations are additional associations provided to support the PTC profile tables.
To list the Profile Helper associations that are available for Packages, right-click a Package, point to Tools, point to Profile Extensions, and then click Wrapper Details. On the Meta Model Viewer, the available Profile Helper associations are listed as subfolders of the Roles folder. For example, you can use the REQUIREMENTS Requirement association to find the Requirements in an analyzed Package.
The items that are found through the reference Tag Definition are those items that are linked to the Custom Table or Analyzed Packages through the reference Tag Definition or those items that are found through a derived reference Tag Definition.
rowItemsStartPoint - specifies the start point for searching for row items:
When set to Analyzed Packages, the Custom Table searches the Packages specified for the analyzedPackages tag definition using the Modeler Automation Interface role specified for the rowItemsRole tag definition.
When set to Table/Matrix, the Custom Table searches for row items from the Custom Table item using the Modeler Automation Interface role specified for the rowItemsRole tag definition, which normally would be a reference Tag Definition.
The items that are found through the reference Tag Definition are those items that are linked to the Custom Table through the reference Tag Definition or those items that are found through a derived reference Tag Definition.
showItemScoping - specifies whether item scoping is shown for the items that appear in the table.