I deleted a block property or flow port from the model, but it is still there (SysML)
This problem is probably caused by you using the Delete Redefinition from Model command to delete a real redefinition of a Block Property, Flow Port, Full Port or Proxy Port.
On an Internal Block Diagram, this can happen when you right-click a real redefinition of a Block Property or port, and then click Delete Redefinition from Model. The real redefinition reverts back to a virtual redefinition, and the virtual redefinition of the Block Property or port can then remain on the diagram.
In an explorer type pane, this can happen on the Parts pane, for example, when you delete a real redefinition of a Block Property or port. The real redefinition reverts back to a virtual redefinition, and the virtual redefinition of the Block Property or port is still shown in appropriate panes.
On a diagram, delete a top-level Block Property or port and all its redefinitions from a model, use the Delete Top Level Definition from Model command. This command can be used from any redefinition of the top-level Block Property or port.
For more information about redefinitions of Block Properties and Flow Ports, click here
To delete a block property or port from the model from a diagram:
Right-click the Block Property or port, and then click Delete Top Level Definition from Model.