You can set up the size of the diagram grid, choose whether to hide or show the grid, and then optionally make new and moved items snap to the grid. You can also snap selected items to their nearest grid point.
To set up the alignment grid
1. In Modeler, open a diagram so that you can see the size of the grid you are setting up.
2. On the Tools menu, click Options.
3. Click the Diagrams entry.
4. Select the Show Alignment Grid check box.
5. In the Style group, select the Dots or Lines option.
6. Drag the Granularity slider to the required setting.
7. Click Apply to see how the grid looks on the diagram.
8. If you want to hide the alignment grid on diagrams, clear the Show Alignment Grid check box.
9. If you want to snap diagram symbols to the grid, select the Snap check box.
To show or hide the grid
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. Click the Diagrams entry.
3. Select or clear the Show Alignment Grid check box.
• On the Diagram menu, click the Show Grid command.
To enable the snap to grid option:
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. Click the Diagrams entry.
3. Select the Snap check box.
• On the Diagram menu, click the Snap to Grid command.
When a diagram has the focus, you can switch the Snap to Grid option by pressing the F8 key. You can temporarily disable snap to grid when dragging an item by holding down the Shift or Alt key on the keyboard.
To align a single item to the grid:
1. Ensure that snap to grid is enabled (see preceding task).
2. Drag the item to the required position.
To align items to their nearest grid points:
1. Ensure that snap to grid is enabled (see preceding task).
2. On the diagram, select the items you want to align.
3. On the Common Diagram toolbar, click the Snap to Grid.