Apply to all objects of associated model item types (property)
For automation interface information about the Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Types property (Apply To All Objects through the automation interface), see the automation interface topic for a Stereotype in the Related Topics.
This property specifies that a Stereotype is automatically linked to all model items that have a valid model item type for the Stereotype. If a valid item is created in the Model, the Stereotype is automatically applied to that item. This option is useful for extending the properties and linking capabilities of items.
The options that appear on the Directly-Stereotyped Options tab of a Stereotype's Property Pages are not applied to valid items when the Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Types check box is selected. Those options are applied only when the Stereotype is applied directly to an item.
When the Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Types check box is selected, the options on the Directly-Stereotyped Options tab are not available because those options apply only when a Stereotype is applied directly to an item.
When a Stereotype is applied to an item in this way, the Stereotype is not listed as an associated Stereotype on the Items tab of the item's Property Pages.
By default, the Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Types check box is cleared.
This property is set on the Options tab of a Stereotype's Property Pages.
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Types is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.