Publisher and Web Interface > Web Interface > Overview of Web Interface > Overview of Web Interface (Web Interface)
Overview of Web Interface (Web Interface)
PTC Integrity Modeler Web Interface (Web Interface) allows you to view the content of a Model through your web browser.
You cannot make changes to models through a Web Interface website.
If a user has access to a Web Interface website, that user can view ALL Models that are Public Read or Public Write in ALL Repositories that can be accessed through that Web Interface website.
For information about which web browsers are supported, see the Release Notes Documentation.
Setting up a Web Interface website
The Web Interface website must be set up for the viewing of models in selected repositories.
For information about setting up a Web Interface website, see the Modeler Installation Guide.
Connecting to a Web Interface website
When you have obtained the URL for a Web Interface website, you can use the URL in your web browser to connect to that Web Interface website.
For more information about connecting to a Web Interface website through your web browser, see Connecting to a Web Interface website (Web Interface).
Creating a Web Interface website account
Depending on how the Web Interface website has been set up, you may have to create a Web Interface website account to log in to the Web Interface website.
A Web Interface website can be set up to authenticate users using LDAP authentication only, Web Interface website account authentication only, or both LDAP authentication and Web Interface website account authentication.
For more information about Web Interface website accounts, and whether you need to create one for a Web Interface website, see Web Interface website accounts and user authentication (Web Interface).
Logging in to a Web Interface website
After connecting a Web Interface website you must log in using a valid user name and password.
For more information about logging in to a Web Interface website through your web browser, see Logging in to a Web Interface website (Web Interface).
Viewing models through a Web Interface website
After logging in to a Web Interface website successfully, you can navigate to the models you want to view, and then explore the items and diagrams in those models.
For more information about viewing models through a Web Interface website in your web browser, see Viewing models through a Web Interface website (Web Interface).
Using the Web Interface REST service in applications
Web Interface includes a REST service that exposes data in a model.
If you want to develop your own applications that can work with data from a Modeler model, you can use the REST service that is provided with Web Interface to extract that data.
For more information about the Web Interface REST service, see Overview of the Web Interface REST service (Web Interface REST Service).