• Right-click the diagram, point to Report, and then click Consistency.
The report is generated to the Output pane.
Modeler makes the following checks:
• There are items on the diagram (C1).
• Each Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal is not a composite aggregation of more than one Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal, which may be a problem (C20028).
• For each Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal that has multiple Associations to the same item, the End Role names of each Association is unique (C20022).
• Each Template Specialization Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal is linked to a base Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal through a Generalization.
• Each qualifier is represented as an Attribute of the appropriate item (C20023).
• Each redefinition has a multiplicity that can be less than or equal to the multiplicity of the item it redefines (C24063).