UML Modeling Techniques > Class modeling > Composite structure diagram > Checking a composite structure diagram
Checking a composite structure diagram
Right-click the diagram, point to Report, and then click Consistency.
The report is generated to the Output pane.
Modeler makes the following checks:
There are items on the diagram (C1).
Each Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal is not a composite aggregation of more than one Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal, which may be a problem (C20028).
For each Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal that has multiple Associations to the same item, the End Role names of each Association is unique (C20022).
Each Template Specialization Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal is linked to a base Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal through a Generalization.
Each qualifier is represented as an Attribute of the appropriate item (C20023).
Each redefinition has a multiplicity that can be less than or equal to the multiplicity of the item it redefines (C24063).