The User Defined Properties dialog allows you to perform the following tasks:
• Specify the Name and Description of a user defined Review.
• Specify whether the user defined Review supports Fix It and Fix All buttons.
• Specifies the script that is run for the user defined Review and any script that is required for the Fix It and Fix Al buttons.
Important: Any changes you make to user defined Reviews will apply to all users of the model's Database server.
To open the User Defined Properties dialog:
• From the User Defined Reviews dialog, select the user defined Review you want to change, and then click the Properties button.
• From the Config dialog, select the user defined Review you want to change, and then click the Config button.
To specify the name and description of the user defined Review, type the required text in the Name and Description boxes.
To specify the VB script that is run for the user defined Review, in the Review Script box type the VB Script.
To specify that the user defined Review supports the Fix It button, select the Supports Fix It check box and specify the VB Script for resolving failures in the Fix It Script text box.
To specify that the user defined Review supports the Fix All button, select the Supports Fix All check box and specify the VB Script for resolving failures in the Fix It Script text box.
For more information writing VB Script for a user defined Review, click here .
The User Defined Properties dialog has the following controls:
• Name box - specifies the name of the user defined Review.
• Description box - specifies a description of the user defined Review, which is displayed in the User Defined Reviews dialog.
• Supports Fix It check box - specifies that when an item fails the user defined Review, in the generated report the Fix It button will appear next to the failure report; when clicked, Reviewer will run the Fix It Script to resolve the problem for that item in the model.
• Supports Fix All check box - specifies that when an item fails the user defined Review, in the generated report the Fix All button will appear next to the user defined Review section heading; when clicked, Reviewer will run the Fix It Script to resolve the problem for all items that have failed the review in the model.
• Review Script text box - specifies the VB Script that is run for the user defined Review to determine whether an item passes or fails the review.
• Fix It Script text box - specifies the VB Script that is run when a user clicks the Fix It or Fix all button in a generated report.
• OK button - applies the changes you have made and closes the User Defined Properties dialog.
• Cancel button - closes the User Defined Properties dialog without applying the changes you have made.