Customization > Automation Interface > Working with Object Attributes and Associations (Item Properties and Links) > Identifying which object attribute to use for a Modeler item property (automation interface)
Identifying which object attribute to use for a Modeler item property (automation interface)
Each item property type in a Modeler model is represented through an object attribute type in the Modeler Meta Model.
Often the name of the object attribute does not match that of the item property is Modeler.
You can use the TellMe utility to quickly identify the name of a Modeler property's associated object attribute. For more information about the TellMe utility, click here
You can also identify the name of a Modeler property's associated object attribute through the Modeler Help.
To identify which object attribute to use for a Modeler item property
1. Open the Modeler Help. From Modeler, on the Help menu, click Help Topics.
2. In the Contents pane, expand the Reference (includes model parts, diagrams, dictionary items and properties) section.
3. Expand the Properties section.
4. Click the entry for the property type for which you want to identify the associated object attribute type.
5. The first paragraph of the topic has information about the associated object attribute.
If the object attribute name is the same as the item property name, the paragraph will tell you how to navigate to the automation interface topic for the object that is associated with the property's owning item.
If the object attribute name is different from the item property name, the first paragraph also tells you what the associated object attribute is called.
For example, this is the first paragraph of the Closed (Property) topic. It tells you that the Closed property's associated object attribute is called Is Closed.
"For automation interface information about the Closed property (Is Closed through the automation interface), see the see the automation interface topic for a Change Note in the Related Topics."
Important: The automation interface topic for an object has detailed information about working with the object attributes.
Note that a complete list of the Modeler Automation Interface objects can be found in the Automation Interface > Object attributes and associations (item properties and links) section of the Modeler Help.