Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > 3rd party product integrations (CM, DOORS, Rose, Simulink and XML) > Integration for IBM Rational DOORS > Synchronizing Modeler and DOORS > Allowing only model owners to create, change or delete Integration for IBM Rational DOORS mappings (Integration for IBM Rational DOORS)
Allowing only model owners to create, change or delete Integration for IBM Rational DOORS mappings (Integration for IBM Rational DOORS)
1. Create a file named ModelOwnerOnly.
Note that the content of the file does not matter.
2. To allow only owners of a model to create, change or delete Integration for IBM Rational DOORS mappings for that model:
Copy the ModelOwnerOnly file, to the ModelerATFiles model folder for the model.
The path of ModelerATFiles model folder for the model is as follows, assuming that SQL Server has been installed to the default location:
C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\ModelerATFiles\<database name>\<model id>
To determine the Id of a model: In Modeler, open the model, open the model's Property Pages, click the Text tab, and then select the Id from the drop-down list. The model Id is shown in the box.
To allow any owner of a model in a database, to create, change or delete Integration for IBM Rational DOORS mappings for a model in that database:
Copy the ModelOwnerOnly file, to the ModelerATFiles database folder for the dataabse that owns the model.
The path of ModelerATFiles database folder for the database is as follows, assuming that SQL Server has been installed to the default location:
C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\ModelerATFiles\<database name>