Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > PTC product integrations (Asset Library, Lifecycle Manager, Reviewer, Windchill & ThingWorx) > Integration for PTC ThingWorx > What's new in ThingWorx code generation and reverse engineering > What's new in ThingWorx code generation and reverse engineering
What's new in ThingWorx code generation and reverse engineering
The ThingWorx code generation and reverse engineering provided with Integrity Modeler 9.0 includes the following changes:
Automatic upload of ThingShapes, ThingTemplates, and DataShapes to ThingWorx servers in now done through a TWConfig.xml file.
The following stereotypes and tag definitions are now obsolete:
«ThingWorx Composer»
What was new in ThingWorx code generation and reverse engineering for 8.5
The ThingWorx code generation and reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.5 does not include any significant changes.
What was new in ThingWorx code generation and reverse engineering for 8.4
The ThingWorx code generation and reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.4 includes the following enhancements:
ThingWorx code generator can now generate POSIX compliant code for Linux.
Simulation notifications now use asynchronous ThingWorx calls.
The Electric Car Charger example model example has been restructured to separate the user interfaces out from the car and charger thus demonstrating inter-process communication via a comms broker (car - charger) and via direct naming (car – dashboard display, charger – charger UI).