Preparing a SysML model for SySim (SySim)
If you have used State Machines to define behavior of Blocks (subsystems) in your SysML model, those State Machines will have to use ASAL (a PTC structured action language) to describe the behavior.
To prepare a SysML model for SySim:
1. In Modeler, open the SysML model.
2. In the Diagrams pane, expand the SysML folder and then expand the State Diagrams folder.
3. Open each diagram that is used in the SySim Simulation Scenario in turn:
a. For each Event Action Block on each State Diagram, open the Event Action Block's property pages and click the Options tab.
b. If the Guard Condition or Action properties contain text that describes its behavior, change that text to describe the behavior using ASAL (a PTC structured action language).
In addition, if the Guard Condition or Action properties are empty but need to describe behavior, describe the behavior using ASAL.
Note that if the Guard Condition or Action properties contain text that is not written in ASAL, SySim will not be able to perform a SySim model execution of the SysML model.
4. SySim does not support Full Ports. SySim does not support state machine event handling based on Event Item Flows, and Operations on Flow Port's type. If these methods are used in the SysML model and you want SySim to interact with that part of the model, change the method of state machine event handling to one that is supported by SySim. See
SysML state machine event handling .
5. If you want to model the behavior of SysML Blocks through referenced Simulink models, for each SySim Control Block:
a. Right-click the SysML Block, and select > .
b. Open the SysML Block's Property Pages.
c. Click theSySim SimulinkBlock tab.
d. Set the tagged value of the SySim SimulinkModelPathName tag definition to the path and name of the Simulink mdl or slx file you want to reference.
After preparing the SysML model, you can model a SySim model execution. See
Creating a SySim simulation scenario .