Task summary page (C# Code Reverser)
This page provides you with a summary of the options you have selected and allows you to specify the required logging level.
To view the wizard settings summary in a text editor, click the

Open Complete Log in Text Editor button.
You can save the text through the

Save Complete Log Text button.
The wizard settings summary text includes the following sections:
• Code Synchronizer Task Settings section (includes model, root object, root directory and action being performed)
• Code Reverser Settings section (includes information about the reverse engineering options set)
Select the required logging level reported on the Parsing Process Complete and Completion Summary pages:
• If you want to record errors and warnings, but not information messages, select Brief Log Output
• If you want to record errors, warnings and information messages, select Detailed Log Output
• If you want to write errors, warnings and information messages to the Modeler Output pane as and when they occur, select the Log to Output Pane check box
If you are happy with the options you have selected, click Next to continue. The code files are analyzed before reversing any code.