+ operator (SDL script)
This operator performs numeric addition or evaluates the union of two lists. When performing a numeric addition, each argument must be enclosed by parentheses.
The following examples are provided:
+ operator for addition
+ operator for union to two lists
Example 13. + operator for addition
In this example, 1 is added to the nSize local variable.
%setlocalvar "nSize" = (%getlocalvar "nSize") + (1)
Example 13. + operator for union to two lists
In this example, the CurrentObject list is set to the current item, and then the CurrentItem list is added to the IncludedObjects list.
%for "Package"
%setlocallist "CurrentObject" = "This"
%setlist "IncludedObjects" = %getlist "IncludedObjects" + %getlocallist "CurrentObject"
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