%setcustom and setting model attributes (SDL script)
This topic applies to TDK SDL script extensions. For more information, see
Overview of SDL script extensions for TDK (SDL script).
SDL Script Extensions for TDK:
%setcustom "Name" = "TheNewName" $ object will be generated with new name,
$ but UML model gets unmodified
%object O
O = %current
O.Name = "TheNewName" $ same as above (model not modified)
%modelsetcustom "Name" = "TheNewName" $ object will be generated with new name
$ and model is really changed
With TDK, %setcustom does not write to the model, even if it changes the attribute value inside the ACS cache. TDK/ACS are not intended for changing the model. If a model modification is absolutely needed, %modelsetcustom does that.
Model attributes changed with %setmodel (or with the object.attribute notation) are reset to their original value before the next generation takes place ('next' means the generation after the one that changed the value with %setcustom).