Setting up name conversions - optional (SQL code)
You can customize how Modeler object names are inserted into your SQL code through SQL_Mangle.ini. Typically, you do not have to change the SQL_Mangle.ini file.
The SQL_Mangle.ini file resides in the PTC Modeler\Modeler\System\SQLGen folder.
To return the mangled name of an item, the generation templates use the SQL Name property.
For each supported Modeler item type, you can add prefixes and suffixes. Specify the %parent% keyword to include the name of an item's parent item in a prefixes or suffixes.
By default, the SQL_Mangle.ini file is set up to prefixes Tables with the name of their parent item. This is achieved through the %parent% keyword.
You can avoid using the mangled name of an item by specifying the exact name you want to insert into your SQL code through the item's CODE_GENERATION_NAME property, which appears on the Text tab of the item's Property Pages. If you specify a CODE_GENERATION_NAME value for an item, ACS generates that name in the SQL code as is.
The SQL_Mangle.ini file defines the replacement or deletion of invalid characters. For example:
• . is replaced with _
• - is replaced with _
• <space> is replaced with _
• & is deleted
• * is deleted
• The SQL_Mangle.ini file refers to a Package as a Category.
• To prefixes the names of generated tables with T_, change the Table section of SQL_Mangle.ini as follows:
[Table] AddPrefix=T_ RemPrefix= AddSuffix= RemSuffix=