Document properties - custom style parameters properties (Publisher)
The document properties are set on the Document Properties dialog. You can open this dialog in the following ways:
• On the File menu, click Properties.
• Click the

Properties toolbar button.
• In the Document Structure, right-click the Document, and then click Properties.
To specify document properties, in the left pane select the appropriate category (General, Custom Style Parameters, Formatting Parameters, Company, Author or Legal Notice), and then in the right pane define the properties.
Note that if you set select a different the Publisher Style, any values set for custom style properties that are not used by the new Publisher Style will be lost.
Custom style parameters properties
Important: If a value starts with 'http://www.artisansoftwaretools/', the 'http://www.artisansoftwaretools/' part of the value is replaced with the path of the Publisher StyleSheets folder. The path of the Publisher StyleSheets folder is as follows.
• C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\Publisher\Stylesheets
The Custom Style Parameter properties allow you to define aspects of the generated output, such as, headers and footers for a Word document.
To change the value of a property, double-click the entry, type the value, and then click OK. Note that some properties may be enumerations, in which case you can either select a value or type a new value.
The Style and Output Format selected in the Generate pane determines which, if any, Custom Style Parameter properties are available.