ACS Code Generator DLLs for system simulation (C++ code)
ACS is supplied with the following Code Generator DLL for generating systems that can be simulated. Use this Code Generator DLLs when you want to generate code for systems on Windows compliant platforms:
Cpp Win32 Animation- use this Code Generator DLL for generating a Windows executable that can be debugged in Modeler, that is, Modeler animates State Diagrams as the target application is running. For more information, see Introduction to system generation and simulation (system simulation).
If you have installed Modeler to the default location, the supplied Code Generator DLLs reside in subfolders of the following folder (the name of a Code Generator DLL's folder matches that of the Code Generator DLL).
For Windows Vista and later operating systems:
For 64-bit versions of pre Windows Vista operating systems:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PTC Modeler\Modeler\System\CppGen
For 32-bit versions of pre Windows Vista operating systems:
C:\Program Files\PTC Modeler\Modeler\System\CppGen
When you generate code using the preceding Code Generator DLL, ACS copies project files to the target folder and updates the paths in those files for your computer:
Cpp Win32 Animation - ACS copies the project files from the following folder.
For 64-bit versions of Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PTC Modeler\Modeler\System\ACS Project Support Files\Cpp Win32 Animation\Project
For 32-bit versions of Windows:
C:\Program Files\PTC Modeler\Modeler\System\ACS Project Support Files\Cpp Win32 Animation\Project
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