What's new in Transformation Development Kit (TDK)
The TDK provided with Modeler 8.5 does not include any significant changes.
What was new in TDK 8.4
The TDK provided with Modeler 8.3 did not include any significant changes.
What was new in TDK 8.3
The TDK provided with Modeler 8.3 did not include any significant changes.
What was new in TDK 8.2
This section provides information about what is new in TDK version 8.2:
The TDK provided with Modeler 8.2 includes the following enhancements:
• New TDK model for generating the supplied ACS Code Generator DLL for SQL.
• The Language
tag definition is no longer applied by the
Generator stereotype. The Language property of the Model is now used to specify the code language you want to generate.
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• TDK now supports generation using Microsoft Visual C++ 2013.
What was new in TDK 8.1
This section provides information about what is new in TDK version 8.1:
The TDK provided with Studio 8.1 does not include any significant changes.