Selecting items on a diagram
You can select an item on a diagram if you want to change its properties, or you can select multiple or all items on a diagram, if you want to
change common properties of the diagram items. When you have selected a number of items on a diagram, you can invert the selection, so that the items that were not selected are selected and vice-versa.
To select a single item on a diagram:
Click the required item.
The item is selected and you can change its properties it through the Property pages.
To select multiple items on a diagram:
1. Click the first item.
2. Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key and click the other items you want to select.
1. On the diagram tab, click the

Selection button.
2. Drag the selection box to encompass all the items you want to select.
| After selecting multiple items you can change common properties in the Property Pages. |
To select all items on a diagram:
On the
Find tab, click

Select All.
Alternatively, you can hold down the Ctrl key and press A.
To invert the current selection:
On the
Find tab, click

Invert Selection.