Adding items to a diagram
There are several ways of adding items to a diagram:
To add a new item to a diagram through the diagram tab:
1. On the diagram's tab, click the required item button.
2. On the diagram, click the location where you want to add the item.
3. Type the name of the item.
To add a new item to a diagram through the context menu:
1. On the diagram, right-click in free space, select New and then click the required item type.
2. Type the name of the item.
To add a dictionary item through the diagram tab:
1. On the diagram's tab, click the required item button.
2. On the diagram, right-click where you want to add the item.
3. On the dialog, click the appropriate folder, and then select the item you want to add.
4. Click OK
To add a dictionary item through a drag and drop operation:
• Drag an item from the appropriate pane to the required position on the diagram.
Drag a folder from the Dictionary pane to the diagram.
To add multiple items of the same type:
1. On the diagram's tab, click the required item button.
2. Hold down the Ctrl key and then click or right-click the diagram where you want to add the item.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add additional items.
4. After you have added the required items, on the diagram’s tab, click the

Selection button.
To add a folder's items through a drag and drop operation:
• Drag a folder from the Dictionary pane to the diagram.
All items within the folder are added to the diagram and you can arrange them according to your requirements.