Creating a product model
This topic covers how to create a Product Model from a Modeler browser, the Decision Set Editor or Variant Selector.
For tasks that relate to creating a Product Model from the latest version of a Product Line Model, a previous version of a Product Line Model, a Product Line Model (private sandbox) or Product Model, see:
For information about creating a Product Model through the Modeler Automation Interface, see
Note that A Product Model can be created using a Decision Set only when there are no inconsistencies in that Decision Set and at least one decision has been made. See:
To create a product model through a Modeler browser:
1. Open the model that contains the Decision Set through which you want to create a Product Model.
2. Right-click the Decision Set through which you want to create a Product Model, and then click Create Product Model
3. Review the log of the Product Model creation that is generated to the Modeler Output pane.
The log file is saved to your Windows Temp folder, which you can access by typing %temp% in your Windows Explorer address bar. The name of the log file is derived as follows:<decision set name>_<date>_<time>.log
To create a product model through the decision set editor:
1. Open the model that contains the Decision Set through which you want to create a Product Model.
3. Click the
Create Product Model button.
4. Review the log of the Product Model creation that is generated to the Modeler Output pane.
The log file is saved to your Windows Temp folder, which you can access by typing %temp% in your Windows Explorer address bar. The name of the log file is derived as follows: Instantiate_<decision set name>_<date>_<time>.log
To create a product model through the variant selector:
4. Click the Create Product Model button.
Create Product Model button
5. After the Product Model is created, on the message dialog click the
Open Log File button and review the log file that is saved to your Windows Temp folder.
You can access your Windows Temp folder by typing %temp% in your Windows Explorer address bar. The name of the log file is derived as follows: Instantiate_<decision set name>_<date>_<time>.log